Tuesday, February 15, 2011

sip trunking solve problem

Problems with your SIP trunk, be they registration, audio or other failures, could be due to an issue with either your ISP or your enterprise network and equipment. Most SIP trunk problems could be isolated to one of the other of these sources by call flow mapping and conducting simple testing at the VoIP demarcation point.

    Registration Problems

  1. If your registration is unstable, check the stability of your internet connection, then try overriding refresh time in the trunk's overflow and failover rate settings to around 20 seconds. If you can't register at all, check that you're using the right password and authentication, ensure your ISP supports SIP by registering a soft phone and examine traffic before and after your firewall to see if it is filtering SIP traffic.
  2. Audio Problems

  3. If you experience poor audio quality, check and reset network equipment, then ping a location nearby for an extended length of time and observe any jitter or response delay. Make sure that your ISP and every component between the internet and the PBX respects the QoS and that you're not forcing any transcoding. If you're only getting one-way audio, check if your router or firewall is misinterpreting audio packets as an attack.
  4. Other Failures

  5. Other SIP trunk failures could be due to interoperability issues between your SIP trunk provider and IP PBX or applications and legacy services, pointing to a need for session border controllers, gateways or software upgrades. If all your SIP trunks have been deployed through a central architecture, try instead deploying an equal number of SIP trunks at all PSTN locations.
SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol (Artech House Telecommunications)

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